Tuesday, January 26, 2010

i like birds... there, i said it

so all my classes were pretty good yesterday. i knew ahead of time that my bio 2 professor was already really into nature photography. so after my lab with him yesterday, i showed him all my photos, and he liked them a lot. then we just started talking about birds... for like 2 hours. great first day! other than that though, everyone was just pissing me off at frostburg. my best friends here are my professor, and that's like not even a joke. i did talk to andy hood on skype, that's always a good time. i'm trying to give him a shit load of money so he can go to holland like he wants to.
i woke up for my 8am class waaaaay too early this morning. i only have one class... quaternary environments. my favorite class i'm ever going to take in my undergraduate career though. plus it's similar to what i'm trying to do when i go to graduate school.
fuck humans. i was just thinking last night about how much people suck and all, and i came to realize that within the wildlife that i've experienced... i'm a pretty popular guy, but with people i'm a loser. but now i'm starting to look at it this way... people are only 1 species, so fuck them, i'm just going to live in the woods or something and just friend all the wild animals and be way more popular than the ignorant fulfilled minds of people. just a thought.
on 2nd thought, maybe not actually live in the woods per say, i would miss my small group of friends and family too much. how about i just live somewhere really close to nature, so i can just escape from people when i need, and just walk around and be happy??
maybe that's what the guy from the movie "into the wild" should of done? i don't know though, i really like that movie.

1 love

Monday, January 25, 2010

1st day of school

this will be short. i'm up early before my first class right now. i'm blasting music because i already am pissed at scott and i don't really care if he wakes up right now. my 1st class is pretty lame, it's whatever though. lol the song i'm blasting is bad romance by lady gaga. ohhhhhhhh my 4th room mate is actually really cool. he reminds me soooo much of adrian brown.
i'm going to get dressed and eat a cliff bar now.

1 <3

Thursday, January 21, 2010

blogging is sooooooo cool

it's 7:30 am, why am i up? my sister is up too, which makes it a lot worse. i can hear her running back an forth, from the bathroom to her room, yelling "peterrrrrrr i know you're upppppppp". i'm way to nice to my mom and sister and i'm very insecure about them. yesterday i left my house to go to niels house, but i only made it to the corner of my neighborhood. i drove back home because i thought my mom seemed too lonely. i asked her "are you surrrrrrre it's ok if i go?" of course she said yes though.
haha i hear my sister again... "NAKED COMING THROUGH"
and "MOMMA! did you make me a sandwich?"
mom- "yes"
sister- "well can you bring it to me, my feet are sore"
mom- "no" but then she does it anyways. or i usually do, depending on how annoying it gets.
i had no idea andy and courtney had a blog. that's what encouraged me to start writing again. plus i'm going back to frostburg soon, so i'm going to hate life a lot, and i'm going to not want to talk to any there for the majority of my time. the only people i really talk to at school a lot are my professors and people in my science classes, and we only talk about science related things. no one likes the same music as me, everyone thinks i'm gay because i wear vans slip-ons, and no one ever wants to do outdoor related activities with me. it's really depressing, but i think it's cool that they think i'm gay. i usually just go along with it, plus it helps me to get to my bisexual side that much faster. but i don't think i've felt so out of place before in my life. these people think that hagerstown is the big city. it's whatever though, i'll just pull some classic "pete not chillin", and just drink alone, while calling my friends from back home. those are the night when i have the most fun anyways.
i have a strange feeling that when i get back to my apartment, i'm going to be super pissed because of how dirty it is, since scott has been living there all break. i know he uses my bathroom on purpose because it's 1000 times cleaner than his and jose's, so i'm going to get there and go straight into pissed off/cleaning maniac mode.
i hope everyone who reads this will come visit me at least once this semester, and save me from my sorrows.
alright, i need to take my last exam for my online class now. i have an 89% in the class right now. if i don't get an a, i'll be some what embarrassed. after i take the test i need to email this lady from NOAA for a summer job, start my scholarship essay, and order my books for the semester. i hope i finish before noon.

1 love

lolololol the last thing my sister yelled to me before i posted this: "peterrrrrrrrrrrr, i can't get my ass to stop smelling like ass"

ohhhhhhh woww lololol. i have that one beat... my sister just walked into my room with her breasts out, requiring that she comes in my room to take polly off my bed and into hers... and she did.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

too many 69's

one more fucking exam. i've down graded from a possible 4.0, to a possible 3.6. damn it. what ever, it's still deans list. fuck school. i talked to jose for like a good 2 hours today. that was nice, because i haven't talked to him 1 on 1 in awhile. scott was at the bar. but we talked about how much scott is fucking up, and we are worried about him. apparently he hasn't gone to any of his classes since the beginning of october. yo, wtf. i would wake up everyday during his class times, just to encourage him to go to class. he would come up with a lie every time about how he didn't have to go that day. i even made him a study guide for one of his exams. he lied and said he studied, and then didn't even go to the final. whatever. you can take a horse to the pond, but you can't make it drink .
scott reminds me of my sister. i'm super confused about my sisters situation though. like i don't know what it's like to go through heroin withdraw, so it's hard to push her to get off the methadone program. she told me that she would rather die, live a whole 2nd life, and then die again, then to go through heroin withdraw again. so it's sounds pretty insane.
but she's only awake for 4 out of the 7 days a week. and she's only up to feed her bunnies, and to get her next weeks dose of methadone. so it's like she's not even living anyways. so is it worth being on methadone? i just feel like she needs that one little push from someone. well if my fucking parents weren't divorced, my father would be more forceful with her situation (since his brother was an ex heroin addict as well), and make her get off the program within a certain deadline. i don't know if that would be a good approach though. but hey, look at the bright side, she's not doing heroin on the streets. at least she's safe.
holy fuck, to make matters worse, my dad was like christmas eve carl and lisa are coming over to dinner, and i would really like for you to come too. wellllllllllll, we have king crabs legs at mom's house every christmas eve! you know this, because you lived here two years ago. i told this too him too. he was like "this is just the way i'm doing it. but i won't be hurt if you decide to eat with your mother instead". after i ended the conversation in a nice manner, i started freaking out. i hate the whole concept of "choosing" which parent to eat with. i knew if i called my mom to ask her, she would start crying. my plan is to either try to convince one of them to eat at an earlier time, or just freak the fuck out and go in some woods and take pictures. i just hope they both end up happy. i don't really care how much schlepping i have to do, as long as they are both happy.
wow, i'm sorry this shit is depressing as shit. don't worry. i'm super happy right now. and very thankful.

1Loves x69

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

niels and i agreed to write a happy post

TODAY I SPENT 13 HOURS IN THE GIS LAB! I FUCKING LOVE IT! i love being stressed. it's being stressed, which makes appreciate the joy of relaxing when i finish whatever it is making me stressed. i wrote a 21 paper paper yesterday and a 20 page lab report all today, while i was in the GIS lab! now i have 2 more to do, which are due friday! i can't wait! i love it. i'm glad the professor who teaches 2 of my courses moved in the middle of the semester to alaska, to take a better job. now after the cluster fuck of a semester we had with his classes this semester, he gives us the beautiful gift of essay, lab reports, and take home exams the week before finals. he's awfully generous. i can't wait to work on them. once i get finished with all the work due this friday, i finally get to start studying for finals! the moment i've been waiting for all semester.
at least my quaternary geomorphology professor is working really hard with me on my svalbard application. I hope that ends up working out. i've been getting screwed with my summer plans so far. but either way, i'll be happy. i'm thankful for just living in a non poverty area. what more could i ask for? plus all my friends are in gaithersburg. i'll be happy no matter what. life will put me in the place that i truly belong. and no matter what it is, i'll be thankful for it.
it's 10pm. i'm about to go to bed. 8am class tomorrow, then writing a bunch of papers. i can't wait! i think this will be my first post that doesn't offend anyone.
i wish flight of the conchords was on right now.

dear reader,

i love you.



Sunday, December 6, 2009

i'm so unmanly

war, ufc, fighting, etc... why do people choose to kill/harm others? how can people get joy from hurting/ seeing another person get hurt? i'll never understand how fighting became entertainment. i must be different from most guys, because when i see people get into a fight, not only am i not entertained, but i get a really bad feeling in my stomach, i feel sick.
i smoked a black and mild with this guy who just got back from iraq a week or two ago. i asked him many questions. i had never met someone who has actually killed someone in iraq before. he killed 2 people. he said they would run into houses and just shot everyone in it, looking for just a few people. he explained killing the people he shot like it was the most awesome thing he had ever done. he claimed he wish he shot more. i was so confused. i didn't understand why he was so excited about this. am i missing something? why is killing in war different than murder? i see no difference. it's just at a larger scale. america is the biggest cereal killer to walk the earth.
the next day this kid tried to commit suicide. i felt very upset. he was drunk when i was talking to him. he talked about this a little bit, but in a joking matter. he said he had to go back to iraq in a few months, and didn't want to go. i didn't know why he hated iraq so much, but loved killing them. maybe it all got to him. i felt bad because i asked him a lot of questions. maybe i brought up something he didn't want to talk. but listen to this... he jumped off a bridge, but his foot got stuck, and the cops found him. like wtf. i'm still weirded out from the situation. at least he's still alive.
i think it's time for me to move to iceland. they don't even have a military. i think that's the only way to go. why should any country have a military? no one should ever, ever feel the need to hurt or kill ANYONE, in my opinion.
"everybody should like everybody" -Andy Warhol

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

stupid systems

why does the federal government have the EPA (environmental protection agency) and the HHS (department of health and human services)?? i thought humans are part of the natural environment. so why do people get prioritized to have their own agency apart from the environment, like people are more important than everything else or something? i think that's why protecting the environment has failed so badly with humanity. people can't be #1 and the environment can't be #2. there shouldn't even be a hierarchy. there should just be: the environment. people are a part of it too, but there's no reason to prioritize us. we are no more important than grass.
life existed on earth for over 550 million years, and has been just fine. it wasn't until a few thousand years ago, when modern humans came, that started to fuck up the whole ecosystem. it has only been our selfish logic, which has let us to be the bully of the earth.
i hope one day we can change the way people think about the environment, and perhaps then people will understand the importance everything else is in the world.